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Richest Person....... a very Economical Question..... No Offence Please!!

But I will try to answer this in a philosophical manner. I would rather justify my answer by quoting that  “Richest person is the one who finds happiness in every moment of his life,because the one who is happy can grab all the satisfaction in his/her life. People think or rather estimate that being economically wealthy can help them diffuse happiness and love in their life, but Life plays some other strategy with us (in my perspective). Just try to remember the happiest day of your life.Was it because of the money in your pocket or because of the feelings in your heart? We can find and create happiness at any moment in our life without any conditions but when we try creating happiness with money there are limitations.

In today's hard and fast life we work for money which eventually makes us helpless because subsequently it's makes us work according to the conditions existing around us, but instead if we prioritize our job for learning before earning we eventually start feeling relieved and satisfied. These actions may not give us instantaneous results but slowly and steadily we learn to make time and profit out of them.
And this is that moment when start realizing our potential and start being happy and satisfied with all that we have no matter how much the world is earning, no matter how much your junior is earning.We start our day with happy mood carrying that bright smile which gives us motivation to move ahead. 

I know, the more easy it is to write, the hard it is to realize. But my dear friends, this is what we have to come up to. Our EMOTIONS are nothing but our ENERGY IN MOTION. Sometimes they have to go through a friction less path.... Sometimes it becomes very hard to drive through a path full of potholes , hurdles which reduces our speed. But the thing we need to remember is the speed of our motion is relation with an independent quantity which is time, which waits for nothing. It's the time only which sometimes heals and also sometimes gives very harsh learning in our lives.


 I would measure richness of a person on the scale of emotions, maturity, understanding, liveliness and mostly importantly with the spirit of sharing, learning and spreading love.... Because a person's intentions always overpowers all the physical resources present around him/her..... The unseen and mystical form of energy.

Do let me know your views for this piece of work in the comment section.
Don't forget to smile 


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