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The topic of this blog is to know how do we analyze or recognize ourselves, with this small piece work let's make our thought process simple and easy going, in more simpler words lets meditate through words which relates us to ourselves.

So before starting, let me ask you a question, how do you define the word "SIMPLE". I define it by breaking the word into two...actually correlating it with "SEEING AMPLE" i.e. when I am happy in discovering what's around me, and not running after what I want but what I need. 

So if I was to answer what makes our lives simpler.... then the answer would be we ourselves.... because it totally depends on us how we take things. 

It's totally on us what we prioritize and with what perspective we do so. So if at any point of time any of us fails to achieve something don't blame yourself or the circumstances in your life just remember this quote.
"Life does not give us what we gives us the best we can have"
Everything which all of us should know is that we have the hidden scientists within us...and that is because we experiment with our lives, and the best part is we don't require any type of academic qualification in this field of human sciences. We create, discover, implement, manipulate and even destroy some instincts of our lives knowingly and unknowingly to invent our better version. Also, don't perform these experiments with the spirit to get positive results in first attempt, perform them with the mindset to discover all the possible mistakes so that the next very time when you are there, on with your experiments you know what you don't have to do in order to avoid your previous mistakes. In casual words, people call this phenomenon as "Learning from your Mistakes". Now you can think how preciously you can spend each moment of your lives.

Coming to wiseness one short and crisp view according to me is that a smart person may know what to speak and when to speak but a person becomes wise only when he /she knows what not to speak because it helps him to acquire the positive culture of his surrounding environment.

Sometimes it's just better to sit back, relax, observe and learn from each and every element present around us. Everything has a purpose for its existence and they do so because of their potentials.
To maintain the neutrality there always has to be bad with the good so never think that evil exists for the bad causes, it exists for the good to happen, they are the best examples for natural forces and hence are impedible forms of energy.

So every dark tunnel ends to bright light only when you find your way out.



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